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Tristan stamboom


Zwarte reu

Geboren: 25-12-2010
ED: vrij
Patella: vrij
Ogen: vrij

Werk: B-cert
Show: Nederlands Jeugd Kampioen 2012, Jeugd Winner 2011, 1U, CAC

LASSE-SIAN VON DEN BESTHORRITZEN Duke von der Plattenhöhe Glencraig Diplomat Glenwherry Cinamon
Claverdon Dime
Amiga von der Plattenhöhe Wild Field’s Candlelight Actor
Luki Angel Hill
Chakur’s Donja Alasse vom Wahnsee Bosse von Rethwischhöh
Cara von Rethwischhöh
Pearly Coat Danann Leangerouse’s Black Bay
Pearly Coat Piccaninny Poshpaw
MIDNIGHT LOVERS CANADIAN GINGER Roughcovers Black Jack Yarowl Yaunty Yarrow Yarn Snowmask of Wrenelson Eurohof
Coltsfoots Barn Owl
Camwood Rise and Shine Varingo Stormbrook
Camwood Elected Tawny Sokoban
Witches’ Brew Anjuli-Afra Cimon-Sigero Pride of Rosendal Witchwood Clinchor
Amy Pride of Rosendal
Melody Makers Only Olivia Branchalwood Isle of Barra
Melody Makers Lovely Lady
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